民族学 - 14

The Problems of Refugees in Africa: Boundaries and Borders.

The Problems of Refugees in Africa: Boundaries and Borders.
著者名 Blavo, Ebenezer Q.
出版社 Burlington, VT:Ashgate Pub., 1999.
言語 English
ISBN 9781840149999
価格 13,318 yen(税抜)
備考 ハードカバー


Refugee Policy in Sudan, 1967-1984.

Refugee Policy in Sudan, 1967-1984.
著者名 Karadawi, Ahmed
出版社 New York:Berghahn, 1999.
言語 English
ISBN 9781571817082
価格 7,992 yen(税抜)
備考 ハードカバー


Refugee Rights: Ethics, Advocacy, and Africa.

Refugee Rights: Ethics, Advocacy, and Africa.
著者名 Hollenbach, David (ed.)
出版社 Georgetown:Georgetown U.P., 2008.
言語 English
ISBN 9781589012028
価格 3,589 yen(税抜)
備考 ペーパーバック


The Resolution of African Conflicts: The Management of Conflict Resolution and Post-Conflict Reconstruction.

The Resolution of African Conflicts: The Management of Conflict Resolution and Post-Conflict Reconstruction.
著者名 Nhema, Alfred & Zeleza, Paul Tiyambe (ed.)
出版社 Oxford:James Currey, 2008.
言語 English
ISBN 9781847013026
価格 3,982 yen(税抜)
備考 ペーパーバック


Resource Conflict in the Horn of Africa.

Resource Conflict in the Horn of Africa.
著者名 Markakis, John (ed.)
出版社 London:Sage, 1997.
言語 English
ISBN 9780803988477
価格 14,423 yen(税抜)
備考 ハードカバー


Sovereignty as Responsibility: Conflict Management in Africa.

Sovereignty as Responsibility: Conflict Management in Africa.
著者名 Deng, Francis M. et al.
出版社 Washington, DC:Brookings Inst. Pr., 1996.
言語 English
ISBN 9780815718277
価格 3,059 yen(税抜)
備考 ペーパーバック


US Foreign Policy and the Horn of Africa.

US Foreign Policy and the Horn of Africa.
著者名 Woodward, Peter
出版社 Burlington, VT:Ashgate Pub., 2006.
言語 English
ISBN 9780754635802
価格 12,204 yen(税抜)
備考 ハードカバー


War in Pre-Colonial Eastern Africa: The Patterns and Meanings of State-Level Conflict in the Nineteenth Century.

War in Pre-Colonial Eastern Africa: The Patterns and Meanings of State-Level Conflict in the Nineteenth Century.
著者名 Reid, Richard
出版社 Oxford:James Currey, 2007.
言語 English
ISBN 9781847016041
価格 3,763 yen(税抜)
備考 ペーパーバック


War in Pre-Colonial Eastern Africa: The Patterns and Meanings of State-Level Conflict in the 19th Century.

War in Pre-Colonial Eastern Africa: The Patterns and Meanings of State-Level Conflict in the 19th Century.
著者名 Reid, Richard
出版社 Ohio:Ohio U.P., 2007.
言語 English
ISBN 9780821417959
価格 3,324 yen(税抜)
備考 ペーパーバック


War of Visions: Conflicts of Identities in the Sudan.

War of Visions: Conflicts of Identities in the Sudan.
著者名 Deng, Francis M.
出版社 Washington, DC:Brookings Inst. Pr., 1996.
言語 English
ISBN 9780815717935
価格 3,991 yen(税抜)
備考 ペーパーバック


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