民族学 - 13

Good Governance in the Era of Global Neoliberalism: Conflict and Depolitisation in Latin America, Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa.

Good Governance in the Era of Global Neoliberalism: Conflict and Depolitisation in Latin America, Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa.
著者名 Demmers, Jolle et al. (ed.)
出版社 London:Taylor & Francis, 2004.
言語 English
ISBN 9780415341165
価格 26,637 yen(税抜)
備考 ハードカバー


Human Rights in Africa: The Conflict of Implementation.

Human Rights in Africa: The Conflict of Implementation.
著者名 Baah, Richard A.
出版社 Lanham, MD:Rowman & Littlefield, 2000.
言語 English
ISBN 9780761817543
価格 6,531 yen(税抜)
備考 ハードカバー


The Longest Journey: Resettling Refugees from Africa.

The Longest Journey: Resettling Refugees from Africa.
著者名 Browne, Peter
出版社 Montgomery:NewSouth Books, 2006.
言語 English
ISBN 9780868408262
価格 2,365 yen(税抜)
備考 ペーパーバック


Losing Place: Refugee Populations and Rural Transformations in East Africa.

Losing Place: Refugee Populations and Rural Transformations in East Africa.
著者名 Bascom, Johnathan
出版社 New York:Berghahn, 2002.
言語 English
ISBN 9781571818300
価格 2,995 yen(税抜)
備考 ペーパーバック


Managing and Settling Ethnic Conflicts: Perspectives on Successes and Failures in Europe, Africa and Asia.

Managing and Settling Ethnic Conflicts: Perspectives on Successes and Failures in Europe, Africa and Asia.
著者名 Schneckener, Ulrich & Wolff, Stefan (ed.)
出版社 London:Hurst, 2004.
言語 English
ISBN 9781850656913
価格 3,662 yen(税抜)
備考 ペーパーバック


Managing Ethnic Conflict in Africa: Pressures and Incentives for Cooperation.

Managing Ethnic Conflict in Africa: Pressures and Incentives for Cooperation.
著者名 Rothchild, Donald
出版社 Washington, DC:Brookings Inst. Pr., 1997.
言語 English
ISBN 9780815775942
価格 6,695 yen(税抜)
備考 ハードカバー


Managing Water Conflict: Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

Managing Water Conflict: Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
著者名 Swain, Ashok
出版社 London:Taylor & Francis, 2004.
言語 English
ISBN 9780714655666
価格 21,082 yen(税抜)
備考 ハードカバー


Peacekeeping and Peace Enforcement in Africa: Methods of Conflict Prevention.

Peacekeeping and Peace Enforcement in Africa: Methods of Conflict Prevention.
著者名 Rotberg, Robert I. et al. (ed.)
出版社 Washington, DC:Brookings Inst. Pr., 2000.
言語 English
ISBN 9780815775768
価格 5,726 yen(税抜)
備考 ハードカバー


Peacekeeping in Africa.

Peacekeeping in Africa.
著者名 Furley, Oliver & May, Roy (ed.)
出版社 Burlington, VT:Ashgate Pub., 1998.
言語 English
ISBN 9781859724927
価格 15,537 yen(税抜)
備考 ハードカバー


Post-Conflict Economies in Africa.

Post-Conflict Economies in Africa.
著者名 Fosu, Augustin Kwasi & Collier, Paul (ed.)
出版社 New York:Macmillan, 2005.
言語 English
ISBN 9781403943460
価格 14,204 yen(税抜)
備考 ハードカバー


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